Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The Big Poetry Giveaway! 2011

This month, I will be participating in two wonderful events in honor of National Poetry Month -
  • NaPoWriMo - where I will write a poem a day, every day for 30 days (more about this soon...) and,
  • The Big Poetry Giveaway! 2011 - where I will give a copy of my chapbook Inheritance AND a copy of Tender Buttons by Gertrude Stein.  The Big Poetry Giveaway is organized by Kelli Russell Agodon (see for more information).

    If you would like me to send you a copy of both my book and Gertrude Stein's book (for free!) just post a comment on my blog with your name and contact information.  At the end of April, I will randomly choose one name and send off a copy of both books in the mail.  For more information about Gertrude Stein's book and my book, please see below. Good luck! 

Gertrude Stein's Tender Buttons: Objects, Food, Rooms from 1914.  In this book Stein reinvigorates words. One of my all time favorite books of poetry

My book, Inheritance was published by Finishing Line Press in June 2010. It is a sonnet sequence of American sonnets.


Lisa Anne Jones said...

Iris: I didn't realize you have a book. I'd love to read it and I just read a poem by Lynn Emanuel that makes me want to read Tender Buttons very much! Do you know the poem?

Renee said...

i've always wanted to read tender buttons

Laura the Poet said...

Count me in! I'm doing it too. Blog post up in a minute.

Michael A. Wells said...

Please add my name to the drawing. Thank You!

opwfredericks said...

Please add me to your contest. You can contact me by posting on or entering my contest on my blog:
on Facebook: Opw Fredericks

Thanks so much, and thank you for supporting poetry.

Iris Jamahl Dunkle said...

@Lisa - oh I love Lynn Emanuel. Which poem are you talking about? @Renee I'll add you to the drawing! @Laura - awesome! I just commented on your blog. @Michael and @Opw thanks for commenting. I'll add you to the drawing. Happy poetry month!

Margo said...

I would love to be part of your draw. Thank you. You can find me at

Sandy Longhorn said...

Oh, please put my name in the hat! Feel free to stop by my blog for another chance to win.

Risa Denenberg said...

I gave my copy of Tender Buttons to a friend, and would love a copy, would love to read your book too.

Enter me please!

risaden at gmail dot com

ren powell said...

I have the Stein book, but would love to win yours. Please sign me on. (I am also participating)...

Andrew said...

Please count me in, and thank you for doing this! (eldritch1313 at yahoo dot com)

Tawnysha Greene said...

Would love to be a part of this drawing! I've got a giveaway going at my blog, too!

Poet-Nerd said...

Please count me in! Thanks!

Valerie said...

Thanks for doing this giveaway. Would love to read your poetry. The Stein book looks good too -- I'm more familiar with her prose than her poetry.

Feel free to enter my giveaway over at my blog, too!

valphia at aol dot com

Chloe said...

would love to read these both! please count me in!

D said...

Please add me to your draw. Cheers!

Big Nine 7 said... is my poetry and performance blog.

I want to be a winner!

russell.evatt (at) gmail (dot) com

Rebecca Reid said...

I'd love to be entered in the drawing. rebecca(at)rebeccareid(dot)com

Alan Kleiman said...

want to participate in the Poetry Giveaway- hope i win the wonderful books!
Alan K

Samuel Sargent said...

Despite signing up so very last minute, I'd love to win and read both books!